Starting a Hearing Voices Group

“While there may be other groups that address the experience of hearing voices and other unusual or extreme experiences in some way, not all of those groups are members of the Hearing Voices Network (HVN) USA. Above all else, what defines a group as an HVN-USA Member is whether or not they operate in a way that is consistent with HVN values and approach. This Charter, adapted from the hard work and careful thought of many individuals connected with HVN England, identifies the qualities that define both affiliated and full group membership within HVN-USA. Only groups that clearly state that they follow the terms of this Charter will be listed on this site or considered to be HVN-USA members.”

Training opportunities are made as frequently as possible.  Although training is not required, it is highly recommended to ensure an understanding of Hearing Voices philosophy and ability to effectively facilitate groups.  Workshops available include our 3-day certificate course, full and half day classes, and 1- to 2-hour talks.

A sample agenda for a 4-hour workshop includes:

  • Welcome and introductions
  • The trainer’s voice-hearing experience
  • What does ‘hearing voices’ mean?
  • Voice simulation exercise
  • Current research
  • History of the Hearing Voices Movement
  • The Hearing Voices Network at present
  • Belief systems exercise
  • A video
  • Trauma informed care/power differential
  • Why do groups help people?
  • Q&A and resources
  • Starting a group

To schedule a training, contact or

The 3-day certificate course is designed to meet the OBPE (Oregon Board of Psychology) requirements for CE credits.